IT support (part-time, permanent contract)

Omschrijving van de vacature

You lead the IT department of argos. You determine which IT systems meet the needs of colleagues and visitors. You are responsible for the maintenance, the development and the implementation of the applications. You manage your own budget. 

● organise and centralise IT infrastructure related tasks: perform and document LTO backups of servers, document workflows and create inventories of our external services (AWS, ..), monitor and implement a regular maintenance program for all IT hardware (server / printers / firewall & router) 

● archive specific tasks: maintain and write scripts (video conversion, shelf-marks, custom applications, ..), database maintenance (currently postgres) 

● manage IT budget 

● research, propose sustainable digital practices 

● source, setup and maintain office computers and workstations (mostly Mac) 

● create and maintain accounts (Google Workspace, VPN, domain names, ..) 

● coordinate and work in tandem with an external IT adviser (focused on data management) 

● advise on web development, manage external developers 

● help develop an organisational digital strategy 

Gewenst profiel

● ideally, you speak English, French and Dutch. The combination of English and NL/FR works as well 

● basic knowledge of audiovisual formats, from analog to digital, is considered an asset 

● interested and willing to look into ethical and sustainable alternatives (extending the life of devices when possible, looking for green solutions, reducing digital carbon footprint, …) 

● interpersonal skills and didactic abilities are very important 

● you’re excited to think about future projects like VOD or in-library public workstations 

Ons aanbod

● competitive pay and benefits packages (teleworking allowance, compensation for public transport, internet and cell phone expenses, extra-legal holidays) 

● permanent and part-time employment contract 

● flexible working hours and a committed team 

● there is room for your creative and results-driven mindset 



To apply, please send your motivation letter and CV to Julia Wielgus (

If you are unsure whether you fit the profile, please don't hesitate to make your interest known ( or to call us for more information: 02 229 00 03 


application deadline : 31 July 

interviews: mid-August 

tentative start: Early September 

Meer informatie

argos centre for audiovisual arts facilitates the presentation, production, and study of critical audiovisual arts through archival and distribution services, exhibitions and various programmes, a screening space and a research library. argos considers the audiovisual arts as a way of looking at and understanding the world. Active since 1989, it fosters dialogue with a broad range of institutional and non-institutional partners, both in Brussels and beyond, to support a multitude of voices in society and to seek new ways to engage its audiences. Through its various activities, argos wants to understand the past, hold the present and shape the future of the audiovisual arts. 



Laatst aangepast op 17 juni 2024
Solliciteren tot 31 juli 2024
Indiensttreding: september 2024

ARGOS centre for audiovisual arts

argos centre for audiovisual arts
Werfstraat 13
1000 Brussel

Spandoek 'We are all dreamers'

Waarom 11

11.11.11 is de koepel van internationale solidariteit.  
Wij willen uitbuiting de wereld uit. Iedereen – waar ook ter wereld - heeft recht op een menswaardig bestaan. Om echt iets te veranderen moeten macht en middelen eerlijker worden verdeeld.
We richten onze blik dan ook op de wereld en stellen het huidige systeem in vraag. Een rechtvaardige wereld voor mens en natuur kan als we samen druk zetten. Met 11.11.11 brengen wij mensen, groepen en organisaties bijeen om die verandering waar te maken.
Want samen staan we sterker dan alleen.

11 in beweging