Protestactie in Londen

About 11.11.11

Who we are

11.11.11 is the coalition for international solidarity.  In Flanders (Dutch speaking part of Belgium) we bring together about 60 NGOs, unions, movements and various solidarity groups and more than 20.000 volunteers to make change happen.  We are part of a worldwide network who joins efforts to achieve one common goal: a fair world without exploitation.  Because together we are stronger than alone.

A fresh narrative, a new style

We are proud to introduce the brand new 11.11.11! With new touches, a sharp and fresh narrative and a brand new style, we are all set for the future.  

Because YES! Where injustice reigns and people and nature are exploited, we take action and connect. Our numbers are growing, and we are shouting louder and louder for global justice! Every 1 is making a difference. Because as a group we are strongerTogether we are shaping 1 strong movement that aims to eradicate exploitation and strives for justice. Everyone deserves the opportunity for a dignified and decent life.

Watch 111111 Strength in Numbers on YouTube.

Why did 11.11.11 need a new look?

“For some decades, 11.11.11 has been an established civil society organisation. Four out of five people in the Dutch speaking part of Belgium know our organisation, and we are proud of that," says director Els Hertogen. “However, looking at the future, a new, more appealing manifesto was needed. At this moment, we are observing a world jumping from crisis to crisis. 11.11.11 wants to tackle the problems at their roots. Hence, our commitment to build an inclusive movement to join the global struggle for structural long-term solutions. Therefore, we will be even more outspoken in the coming years, as 1 strong movement that fights against the exploitation of people and nature. Each 1 deserves the opportunity of a decent and dignified life.

Our new slogan 'Strength in numbers' is based on the strength of 1 global movement for justice. After all, we are bringing together thousands of people, groups and organisations to demand a just world with equal chances for everyone. Together we are building pressure and are putting forward our solutions that will bring fundamental changes.

Read our manifesto

Manifest 11.11.11

For decades, 11.11.11 has been an established civil society organisation. Four out of five people in the Dutch speaking part of Belgium know our organisation, and we are proud of that.
However, looking at the future, a new, more appealing manifesto was needed

Els Hertogen, director 11.11.11

A new logo full of symbolism

Together with an updated and sharper narrative comes a new, refreshed style. We are saying goodbye to our iconic red and black logo and are adopting a contemporary logo. Els Hertogen: “Our new logo is full of symbolism and is an important expression of our core idea 'Strength in Numbers': many 1's next to each other, fighting shoulder to shoulder against exploitation and injustice.

Although, our 'numbers' do not always have to be visible. The invisible 1's are therefore also a clear part of our new logo. Not only do they personify the most vulnerable people who are claiming their rights, they also show the strength of both our visible and invisible supporters who rally behind the same goal, each in their own way. Many 1's together. 1 global movement.

After all, the strength of 11.11.11 lies in its building blocks: every member, every partner organisation, every volunteer, every activist and every donor who contributes, broadens and  strengthens the support base. Every action taken reinforces the message of international solidarity.

Download the triple 11 logo

Een nieuw logo

Our new logo is full of symbolism and is an important expression of our core idea 'Strength in Numbers': many 1's next to each other, fighting shoulder to shoulder against exploitation and injustice.

Els Hertogen, director 11.11.11

What we see happening

Socio-economic inequality is growingdemocratic space is narrowing in different parts of the world and the degradation and destruction of our climate and environment is rampant.

Millions of people are still seeing their rights violated: they do not have access to sufficient food, clean and safe drinking water, health care, basic education, a viable income, security or freedom of speech. Every day, and all over the world, people are struggling to make a decent living.

At the same time, there is more awareness. Interesting and inspiring analyses and numerous alternatives that do lead to a society that realizes the well-being, dignity and human rights for everyone, within the planetary boundaries. It is hopeful to see that solidarity is alive, growing and reinventing itself. Locally, but also across the borders. This is no coincidence. The challenges we are facing call for international solidarity.

In this context, 11.11.11 refocuses its vision, mission and strategic choices.

Our Vision?  Global Justice.

11.11.11 strives for global justice. A world in which social, civil, political, cultural and economic rights are realized for everyone within the limits of the planet. A global system in which the socio-economic inequality is reduced, the relationship between mankind and nature is in balance and democratic values are guaranteed. That is our vision of the future.

Our mission? International solidarity

International solidarity will accelerate the transition to a global fair system. We advocate, facilitate and put international solidarity into practice. 11.11.11 is thereby driven by values of human dignity, solidarity, equality and integrity.
11.11.11 sees different leverages in the pursuit of international solidarity. Policy work, building a strong movement, collaboration, the awareness of the ‘shared interest’, the deployment of different parties involved and innovative and result-oriented work.