Internship - Sustainable food supply chains

Omschrijving van de vacature

Are you ready to be part of something great?

The Intern in Policy and Business engagement will support our advocacy and engagement on responsible and deforestation-free supply chains of food commodities towards decision-makers and businesses in Belgium.

Deep dive into the role

  • Carry out research assignments with external partners on supply chain sustainability and synthesize findings to inform WWF’s advocacy and business engagement on deforestation- and conversion-free supply chains.
  • Consult and coordinate feedback from partner organisations and experts
  • Prepare outreach materials (briefings, reports, infographics, videos, newsletters, social media posts) for professional audiences either internally or with external suppliers.
  • Help with the organization of events for professional audiences.

Who will you collaborate with

  • You will be part of our Policy & Business team that leads WWF-Belgium’s political work and engagement with private sector actors.
  • You will work closely with the Senior Forest Policy Officer and the Supply Chains Project Officer on our project ‘Transition to deforestation-free supply chains in Belgium’
Gewenst profiel

This is a good match for you if

  • You hold a Master’s degree or equivalent experience in a domain that is relevant to the position
  • You have a strong interest in, and sound knowledge of, global food supply chains and the related environmental and social issues
  • You can demonstrate solid research skills and good professional communication (will be tested in the interview process)
  • You are fluent in either French or Dutch and have professional working proficiency in the other language. You also have full professional proficiency in English.
  • You have good organization skills and attention to detail
  • You are keen to work for an environmental NGO within a global network and adhere to WWF’s values
Ons aanbod

Ready to join us in our mission? Here is what’s in it for YOU

  • The chance to contribute to one of WWF’s global priorities and to interact with colleagues in Belgium and globally
  • Gaining insights into translating science to inform policymaking and business engagement
  • Gaining experience in the engagement of professional stakeholders (experts, businesses, government officials)
  • A 6-months paid internship (CIP, VDAB).


Laatst aangepast op 15 juni 2024
Solliciteren tot 5 juli 2024

WWF Belgium

WWF Belgium
E. Jacqmainlaan 90
1000 Brussel

Spandoek 'We are all dreamers'

Waarom 11

11.11.11 is de koepel van internationale solidariteit.  
Wij willen uitbuiting de wereld uit. Iedereen – waar ook ter wereld - heeft recht op een menswaardig bestaan. Om echt iets te veranderen moeten macht en middelen eerlijker worden verdeeld.
We richten onze blik dan ook op de wereld en stellen het huidige systeem in vraag. Een rechtvaardige wereld voor mens en natuur kan als we samen druk zetten. Met 11.11.11 brengen wij mensen, groepen en organisaties bijeen om die verandering waar te maken.
Want samen staan we sterker dan alleen.

11 in beweging