Coordinator Language Buddies - België

Omschrijving van de vacature

Empowering Cambodian Teachers Through Language Exchange

Indeed, speaking English can be a daunting task, especially when you are still learning. The pressure to find the right words and pronounce them correctly can be overwhelming. However, there's a fantastic solution to help you overcome these challenges: Language Buddies.


Language Buddies offers an engaging and friendly way to improve your English by chatting with native or near-native speakers. This initiative allows learners to practice everyday vocabulary and expressions not typically found in textbooks. Moreover, it offers cultural insights from your chat partners, boosting your confidence and pronunciation skills. And the best part? It’s completely free!


For native or near-native English speakers, including English teacher students and professionals, Language Buddies presents a chance to mentor someone in a developing country. This well-organised programme requires just two hours per week, where mentors and mentees engage in one-on-one online conversations using tools like Zoom, Messenger, WhatsApp, or Teams.

The structure is straightforward. Mentors and mentees agree on a regular schedule, for instance, every Monday at 17:00 and every Saturday at 11:00. Conversation topics are shared in advance, along with a 'Target Language Sheet' containing useful vocabulary and idioms to keep the dialogue flowing. Additionally, mentors receive a 'Helper Sheet' with questions to facilitate the discussions.


Language Buddies is mainly aimed at early-career English teachers and trainees in Cambodia who wish to enhance their language skills. It also invites native or near-native speakers, including retired educators and language coaches, to become mentors. Universities and teacher training colleges are encouraged to integrate this programme into their curricula.


The duration of the programme ranges from 15 to 25 weeks, based on your availability, with a minimum commitment of 15 weeks. 


We are seeking a coordinator to help expand this initiative. The coordinator's responsibilities will include recruiting mentors from universities, university colleges, other relevant organisations, and individuals for the Language Buddies programme. 

It’s a volunteer role; we are looking for someone who can commit a few hours per week to this great project.


Join us in this rewarding journey of language learning and cultural exchange. Don't hesitate to contact us for more information or to get involved.

Gewenst profiel
  • you are available a few hours per week
  • you are fluent in English
  • you have or are able to build a network in the are of teacher training, English teachers and English Language Centres
Ons aanbod
  • become part of a nice team, with many contacts in Belgium and Cambodiatea team

Prof Dr Em Michael Goethals:

Mrs Sylvia Van Lint:

Mr Mark Desmaele:


Laatst aangepast op 3 juni 2024
Solliciteren tot 30 juni 2024
Indiensttreding: Zo snel mogelijk
Spandoek 'We are all dreamers'

Waarom 11

11.11.11 is de koepel van internationale solidariteit.  
Wij willen uitbuiting de wereld uit. Iedereen – waar ook ter wereld - heeft recht op een menswaardig bestaan. Om echt iets te veranderen moeten macht en middelen eerlijker worden verdeeld.
We richten onze blik dan ook op de wereld en stellen het huidige systeem in vraag. Een rechtvaardige wereld voor mens en natuur kan als we samen druk zetten. Met 11.11.11 brengen wij mensen, groepen en organisaties bijeen om die verandering waar te maken.
Want samen staan we sterker dan alleen.

11 in beweging