Migranten gestrand in Agadez

Cooperation or externalization?

In the past years, the EU has increasingly externalised the implementation of its migration policy to third countries through a number of agreements and funding mechanisms. The migration agenda increasingly shapes the EU’s foreign policy and development cooperation. In this discussion the panellists will share their insights on latest developments from a legal, policy and field perspective and assess if and how the New Pact on Migration and Asylum can offer a way forward.


This webinar will take place on Friday June 4, from 11 am to 12:30 pm


  • Professor Thomas Spijkerboer – Professor Migration Law, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Amanda Bisong – Policy Officer, ECDPM
  • Raffaella Greco Tonegutti – Migration and Development Expert, Belgian Development Agency Enabel
  • Maiga Ibrahim Soumaila – Coordinator of the Médecins du Monde Belgium mission in Niger


  • Kasper Goethals – Journalist, De Standaard

This webinar is a collaboration between 11.11.11 and the UGent Migration Law Research Group, supported by the Global Minds Fund of the Belgian Development Cooperation and the VLIR-UOS (Flemish Universities Development Cooperation)