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Fight against Racism

Naima - Racisme 2

Tutorial: how to React on Racism

Although racism is still a daily reality, many people do not know how to act when witnessing racism. Naima Charkaoui, writer of ‘Opengrenzenmanifest’ and ‘Racisme: Over wonden en veerkracht’, gives us helpful tips that will help doing the right thing when facing these difficult situations.

First of all, it's important to take your responsibility and to say something if you're witnessing racism. There are several ways to respond. If you don't feel confident enough to speak out, try to divert attention or seek help. 

Secondly, the victim is your primary concern. Your focus should be on the victim first. Ask yourself what he/she needs or expects from you. Attacking the messenger with counter-arguments isn't the most important thing. 

Keep in mind that you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. Responding to racism is difficult. Try to learn something from the situation so you can respond better the next time. 

Podcast: Charif from Hand in Hand vzw

Charif El Boustani is a 25-year-old student in Leuven and a volunteer at the non-profit Hand in Hand vzw. He started there last year as an intern and stayed afterwards. Together with his fellow volunteers, he fights against racism. The organization promoted his self-development and also armed him against racism. He sees Hand in Hand as a family where he can be himself completely.

Would you like to know more about Hand in Hand and why Charif feels so at home there?

Podcast Charif