
Fight against Climate Change

Climate Strike Brussels

Climate Strike in Brussels

The latest IPCC report makes it clear that there is no more time to waste to act against climate change. The lax attitude of many governments has already lead to irreversible effects and damage. The consequences of the climate change are already greater than expected in previous reports.

To make matters worse, the most vulnerable populations in the world are affected the most by the climate crisis. Those who contribute the least to global warming suffer from the consequences. We have to make our voices heard in the fight against Climate change.

Béatrice Phiri, climate activist and co-founder of U-retain Foundation Zambia

Women and girls from all over the world are hit hard by the climate crisis. Due to increasing drought, they often have to travel more dangerous distances. The climate crisis makes the position of women in society very vulnerable.

Béatrice Phiri is a radio journalist, climate activist and co-founder of U-retain Foundation Zambia. She wants to motivate and inspire young people, as she sees them as the engine of change. Her fight is not only a fight against pollution and water scarcity in her country, but also a fight for the rights as a climate activist.