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Deep Democracy: innovating democratic participation

Fri 6 May from 2.40pm to 3.40pm CEST

A workshop by Hummus, the art of deep democracy
Hosted by Fanny Matheusen

Language: English


More and more people are turning away from established forms of democratic participation. Decolonisation and less involved grassroots push organisations working on international solidarity to explore “alternative” forms of participation.  

In this session, we will discuss the importance of rethinking and innovating the internal decision making and participation within your own organisation or initiative.   Innovation in this regard is possible because various innovative practices on decision making and participation are already put into practice.

One of these practices is Deep Democracy, which is already widely used in the Belgian and international context. HUMMUS, an expert organisation on Deep Democracy, will guide us through the ins and outs for realising inclusive decision-making and conflict management, using this method.

Hosted by:

Fanny Matheusen

Fanny guides people and/or groups in having the courage to work with diversity. She teaches how to listen to the wisdom of the minority. Fanny combines practice and theory in her own way. She makes you think with her multifaceted view on what is happening in society and her connection with people and ‘being different’.

Fanny is the founder and inspirer of Goesthing bv and initiator of HUMMUS, The Art of Deep Democracy. She is the author of the books 'Rebelleren kan je leren', 'Van zondebok naar zebra', and 'Mijn held is een hulpverlener'. She is a practitioner, instructor and supervisor in the Deep Democracy Lewis method.

Fanny Matheusen - Hummus